Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This was probably my 8th Time coming to this Museum. It does get more interesting every time i do go. I mean there was a new section of the plantetarian. The big Bang theory but that was pretty much disappointing. I think the best thing that i liked was how much we payed. We payed a dollar which i didn't really know i would usually pay $14 or $24. That was crazy, i thought we were going to get shutdown but we got our tickets and i was siked.

The only type of media which is a film that i can think about at this moment and compare it with the entire museum would have to be the movie starring Ben Stiller "Night at the Museum". I mean the way everything was set up in the movie was completely different from the real thing. Starting with the main entrance on how the T-Rex is located in the front doors but really its the Brontosaurus. I mean the movie does give a lot of the museum and make it look really cool. The Museum is a pretty cool place. Last year i think the new exhibition was the Darwin exhibition. This year it was the Butterfly and Extreme animals exhibition.

The coolest part of all that i found extremely interesting was the Marine life section with the Big Whale hanging from the ceiling. i saw from every type of sea animal from orcas to clown fish. Another was the bio science section From Daddy long legs(spider) to the REMAINING bones of the extinct animal DODO bird.
We (Jesse, sabrina, Lizabeth, and Daniel) were exploring everywhere from the 1st floor to the 4 floor it was cool.
FOr some strange reason Jesse and I really wanted to see Teddy roosevelt. Just because we saw him in the movie night at the museum and we thought how he reallly looked like but we couldnt see him because we couldnt find him and where we were goin to check him out was closed already. Bummer.!!
It was good though. Every visit to the Museum is a more interesting place to be in.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

BLog 9: LIncoln CEnter of PErformin ArtS

The trip was i think the shortest trip I've ever had and especially when UN supervised lol but I've never actually gone inside it was pretty cool experience.
I was in a group with Jesse and Sabrina.
The commputers in the NypAL were very self explanitory about what they had such as DANCE,MUSIC, THEATRE, FILM, BIOGRAPHY EVERYTHING THAT WAS INVOLVED IN THE PREFORMING ARTS MOVEMENT. The types of bools they had upstairs were movie books and movie encyclopedias. Downstairs they had tons of movies to offer. Different kinds of every genre, now and before movies. There were big spaces to just relax and lean back to read a book or do some research. There were like 20 copy machines. I the first floor was filled with nespaper,Cd's and many ohter entretainment sections. It was a very cool experience especially when i went to get my LIBRARY CARD.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A ViSion Of StUDeNtS ToDAy

This video on youtube.com , show the way the students in the class see the world but most importantly how they see their world in college. Some explain how only 18%of her teachers know her name because of how big the classes are full of students. Another girl explains that she will have to pay 2,000 dollar loan after graduation. The main argument for me that it isn't an argument. The comments that are given throughout the video clip are just facts and opinions on how the students feel or experience on how the education system works and how they pass their day's in college. In the examples that the students are giving to the viewers in my opinion are absolutely right. For example one writes how her neighbor pay for her tution and never comes. There are real situtions that are like that. So thats the whole real argument on how students reflect school issues with life issues.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


S1M0NE starring Al Pacino,Catherine Keener, and Rachel Roberts as S1M0NE. In ImDb.com their summary of the movie says it all on what is truly about.It states that The career of a disillusioned producer, who is desperate for a hit, is endangered when his star walks off the film set. Forced to think fast, the producer decides to digitally create an actress "Simone" to sub for the star--the first totally believable synthetic actress. The "actress" becomes an overnight sensation, with a major singing career as well, and everyone thinks she's a real person. However, as Simone's fame skyrockets, he cannot bear to admit his fraud to himself or the world.

This movie was a real mind thriller because at the turning point of the movie Viktor (AL Pacino) is so attached to S1m0ne that he considers himself to be her. They are both one and at the academy awards that shes a recording and he forgets to congraulate himself from that monet he tries to stop her from being more famous because evryine forgets about him and starts getting attached to her. you get so intense and so into the movie because in my case i was just waiting for S1m0ne to come out or to turn over Viktor and spread out like a computer virus. but nothing happen.
Viktor deletes her and puts all her database in a trunk and dumps her in the ocean , cameras were there and saw what Viktor was doing and was accused of killing simone and was locked up in bookings for interogation. It kept on gettin worse and worse for him. At the end she was restored and it was kind of creepy there because the end is confusing.

This movie can be related to the Matrix but its the other way around . In the MAtrix its real people in the Virtual world thinking its real because everything is projected from the mind.
In S1M0NE, its a real world with a fake person who is seen only virtually and the whole world thinks that shes real.

blog 7 Research

SO far i have the idea for louies project to do a short film documentary on how the media works when filming a short series. I have a friend Tyagi Schwartz and he's a samll time producer and hes an actor whose been in some shows such as law and order and csi. at the moment i am trying to locate him because i used to work with him in a restaurant and he left to go work in a series in brooklyn like 3 months before I left. I lost his number and his email, luckily i have fiound him on google , found his email wrote to him but no sent backs , just last week i found and call his manager sCott and left him a message and nothing has comeback. For right now i have to find out where the shooting is that way i just go to him directly. ANd get his permission to film. If i get his permission or who ever is in charge, i would like to get to know everyone on the set from directors to maintence ask them questions on what is their job how they act with each other to make the show possible. ask the editor, show us what and how he does what he does. Talk to extras and actors to check out what they feel and how they can act around cameras especially when it comes to disturbing images in front of the crew filming. Bascially it will be a film interviewing the people part of the film crew to give eachother out and show off their talents to make this series really cool and interesting to watch.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Uncanny and the Shadow

The uncanny according to WIkipedia.org is a Freudian concept of an instance where something can be familiar, yet foreign at the same time, resulting in a feeling of it being uncomfortably strange. in my opinion it means it gives the ability to a person feel the feeling we all know as Deja Vu in a way. Meaning for example i had an experience one day going to the supermarket and for some reason i had the feeling i've been there before and i saw the same people and i went in to buy olives and for some reason i was expecting something to break because i realized that i had a similar dream to this

Abre los ojos: Open your eyes

"Open your eyes" is the original movie that gave " Vanilla Sky" the idea of it's remake. It stars Penelope Cruz , and Eduardo Noriega. It's a bout a man (Cesar) that nearly dies in a car accident but it does cause him to completely disform his face into a hideous monster. He is going through pain and suffrage, he was willing to pay all the money in the world but only to wear a mask. One night he gets drunk and at the end of the movie we realized that he had died since that part. He had enter a program that freezes him after he dies that way he can be waken up in the future years from then, in order to fix his face with all the new technology that will be in the future. Basically the theme of the movie is " A DREAM LAND". eVERy thing that happen after the drunken incident is all the mind of Cesar and he thinks everything that happens is real. The reason for that is because of the program deletes the ending of his last memory and restores it with new events that are happening after his face is fixed. The point is that he himself controls his surroundings, its all in his mind. The relationship he had with Sofia, the fight he had with his friend Antonio and him being in jail for killing Sofia for beliveing it was the other woman that cause his face to be destroyed; it was all a projection of Cesar's Mind because he was in his own DreamLand.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

103 Final ProjeCt

For the final project for we have to write a certain type of research which can be formatted in paper, issues based website,PowerPoint with at least 2,500 words in MLA status, or a short film that is at least 10-15mins long, with the total script with also 2,500 words based on any subject that is relevant. I ma not sure yet of what i might do yet but my top choice is "HOW DANCING AFFECTS YOUNG VIEWERS THROUGH MEDIA". My main point in this short film, I'll try to interview some b-boys that I know probably get some information from them on how break dancing affects their life and how they think how more people these past years are influenced by the dance through media and what they think of it. I'll probably get information on how many viewers are watching these dance contests on T.V. Other then that I'll try to get other information on any other references like movies or articles or radio comments. Even people's opinions on the streets. THere are still many ideas i have but I'm still not sure of them.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The royale and farscape

The Royale and Far Scape episodes were really somewhat alike in different perspectives.
They both had the same idea, as with the same problem and same solution just not likewise but very connected. The Star Trek episode "the Royale" is about the commander send three of his companions to planet earth and to be more specific they were sent to a random casino in the United States. I believed episode mention Nevada but I'm not really sure. So, they are sent there to examine the human life as it is but when it comes to gambling or just that particular moment that they were visiting. The 3 companions experienced a murder but they didn't know what was going on. They had fun gambling without really noticing what they were doing, they believed in order to get out of the casino they had to buy their way out because for some strange reason the revolving doors leading outside lead back in. At the end they got the idea that the human race are very greedy when it comes to betting and are very sneaky to the players because one of the companions notice the dice weren't equally shaped and that affected a lot on a roll and money. They met the Jealousy term and also the happy term among the people inside the casino. They thought they were weird (the people and their characteristics). They left after they bankrupt the casino and bought it.
In the Farscape episode John O' Conner is in a ship that save his life during a bad trip from earth. He is an Australian Astronaut. His friends and him discover a wormhole and see earth on the other side. O' Conner took his only chance to return home and was taken in by the Humans. It was a very confusing procedure but at the end of the show O' Conner is tricked that he was in earth but really he wasn't far from where he was before and everything was just projected from his memory. He had strong feelings about his fellow friends when he supposedly discovers they were killed (but they were fine)but his feelings were beyond the standards that the other aliens posing as humans were expecting to get. So the point of this episode of FARSCAPE is to see how the human will react to a mind projection involving his friends at risk that are not of the same specie.
The comparison of the two episodes are that each race wants to see a different perspective of the different race and see their surroundings and how they are affected by life itself.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What is the Matrix? What is the Matrix contained with? Have you ever even seen the Matrix?

What is the Matrix? The Matrix is a computer generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this.

The Matrix is all about a computer hacker (Thomas A. Anderson a.k.a. Neo known in the computer world) who wants to define his life who wants to get to know who he really is. He meets a group of people that are after a group of viruses but at the same time they can’t fight them because if they do they’ll die. Due to the prophecy according to a very wise old woman called “The Oracle”, she believes that Neo is the chosen one to finish once and for all, defeat the viruses.

I think the matrix is a place where the humans mind can do the impossible possible.

According to Morpheus, The Matrix is all around us. In our house, outside, church, anywhere you can think of. So, I can’t really say if I am or not because it’s like Morpheus said

"What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. This is the world that you know. The world as it was at the end of the twentieth century. It exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the Matrix. You've been living in a dream world, Neo. This is the world as it exists today.... Welcome to the Desert of the Real. We have only bits and pieces of information but what we know for certain is that at some point in the early twenty-first century all of mankind was united in celebration. We marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to AI (Artificial Intelligence)."

With all this terrorism and stock breaking down. The real world will turn into Socrates' Cave. People will rampage out in the streets, natural disasters might happen due to global warming.

So the Real world has a big chance to be destroyed or at least look half as bad.

What I would really like to know is did it start in the Matrix already or what’s up with that because you see trinity looking hot in the real world but when your supposedly in the real world with Morpheus and all, she looks terrible and it looks like she’s been there for quite a long time. And supposedly you can’t come out of the Matrix or Socrate’s Cave. This movie is a very good movie with lots of action and cool graphics and great cast and all but it starts out really confusing.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Name is Omar Herreros and I am a student currently attending LaGuardia Community College. I have two siblings, I am Mexican American and I am a High School graduate. I have goals to be either in Film business or veterinarian business. This is my First year in college and its pretty good so far getting to meet new people and new expectations. The Reason I Chose Media Studies for now is I wanted to check out whole the world of Film writing. I prefer film way more then a veterinarian, simply because for me it’s always been something I’ve been a fan of.